Sustainable living is possible anywhere.

Connecticut Urban Farm is driven by the desire to live sustainably in an urban setting. We have the creativity, knowledge, and passion to help you do the same.

Sustainability at home

You can still enjoy beautiful things while living sustainably. Locally grown products, including flowers, food, and home decor, means a significantly reduced carbon footprint. An added bonus is that you’re supporting a small business in your community.

Queen been in a cage with workers on top of cage

 Level-up your sustainability

Small, urban backyards can be productive, life-filled spaces. We’ve organized our 1/3 of an acre to grow hundreds of pounds of food, abundant flowers, animal products (eggs, honey!), and plentiful habitat for wildlife. Whether you’ve got a windowsill or more space than us, you can increase your family’s sustainability. To help you level-up your sustainability, we offer workshops, consultations, and tours. Check our events and shop pages for more information and follow our Instagram (@connecticuturbanfarmer) to stay informed.